Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Job Hunting

Hello Fellow Earthlings!

So I should be writing a Paper for my British Literature class over symbolism in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" but I decided I need a break. One can only write about the sun being a symbol for an angry God for so long. Anyways so let me tell you about my struggles out in the real world. Trying to find a job has to be one of the most irritating tasks society gives us. I have been job searching for over a year now. I have applied to so many places I cannot even begin listing them because I cant even remember half of them. I have wasted hours of my precious time only to come up with no results. I did finally get an interview to Payless a while back, but I hope to never have to experience an interview like that ever again.

So this interview I had...it wasnt too bad at first but the more information I got out of this woman the more I understood. This was the first time she had ever given an interview...ever! She was late. Like 20 minutes late. And I was early. Like 10 minutes early. So that meant I waited half an hour. She did not follow the interview format that I have learned countless times at school, most likely because it was her first ever interview. Everytime I answered a question she always had a story about herself that went along with my answers. I felt like I was learning more about her than she was learning about me! And then after about an hour or so of basically listening to her life story she tells me the worst news. I was the first of many, many applicants that she was going to be interviewing and I may or may not be getting a call in two weeks with her decision. And even if I did get a call back I would have to go through another interview with someone who actual knows how to give one. Lovely. Needless to say I didnt get that job. But I did get to experience failure. Awesome.

But its not like I'm completely broke, living on the streets, and begging for money. I live at home so that saves tons of money. And I do "technically" have a "job". Well I call it a job but my friends do not consider it to be one. I mean I get paid under the table and sometimes I get underpaid and sometimes I get overpaid. I work for my mom's cousin. She owns her own business where she makes and sells salsas, jams, and relishes. We basically go to craft shows and farmers markets and try to sell as much as we can. My mom works there too; she makes it all. Its how I got "hired" in the first place. But I dont have a set work schedule, its just whenever they need an extra hand. So I dont have a steady flow of income which is why I've been trying to find another job. Easier said than done.

The whole "not working" thing isnt all bad though. I mean I get grant money for school so I dont have to worry about that. I dont have to check my work schedule before planning something with friends. I have plenty of time to do my homework (more like plenty of time to procrastinate doing hw). My dad pays for my car and insurance and I pay for gas and repairs...well I'm supposed to pay for repairs. It would be easier if I didnt have a shopping addiction. My parents have been telling me I need to buy new tires for my car and my brakes need fixed. So I go out and buy shoes and clothes. My philosophy is if the car is still running then its fine. If the car is making a noise, turn the music up. Voila! Its fixed! I always drive with loud music anyways. Usually I have leftover grant money from school to help pay for stuff but this year I had none. I went from a very inexpensive community college to a university and let me tell you there is definitely a price difference. I am going to fill out a scholarship for next semester though. I never really filled out scholarship applications at the communtiy college I went to because I got plenty of money from my grant and I felt bad taking more money. But I could have used that money this semester.

Thats all for now. I need to go back to writing my paper (ick). So I will continue to carry on my quest for finding a job and I will be sure to keep you updated.

Love and Rockets,

Mags :)


  1. I must say that has to be one of the most interesting interview experiences I've heard of... :P Just keep at it and eventually something will shake loose
