Hello Rockstars!
So this weekend I was working in Lindsborg, Kansas (aka Little Sweden USA) at a festival thing they have every two years. Its a swedish festival that lasts two days (or at least I was there for two days) and the whole town shows up to celebrate this. They have swedish dancing, swedish food, a parade, and vendors (like me) selling stuff. It was pretty good except there were three huge downsides to working this.
1. It was an outdoor show.
2. The first day was completely dead.
3. Nobody knew our tent was there.
Having an outdoor show isnt completely terrible--depending on what time of the year it is. This time of year could go either way. This year it was soooo windy! And we were on dirt. Dirt and wind do not mix. Everything, myself included, was covered in dust the first day. No bueno.
Going to a show and having the first day completely dead--somewhat expected. The first day is never good but this was just pathetic. And I didnt bring anything to occupy myself in absolute boredom so I ended up doodling on boxes.
The location of our vendor tent was terrible--we were two blocks away from the other vendors and the rest of the festival activities. This was probably one reason why we did so poorly on the first day. The only reason people knew where we were the second day was because of the parade.
Now the second day wasnt horrible. It was a little chilly and it rained but I've worked through worse. And the rain brought in customers so I couldnt complain. Helping customers is way better than just sitting there doing nothing. Well, I guess that depends on the customer. I had one of "those" customers at that show. The ones where it takes all of your self control not to chuck a jar of salsa at the person. Now I could just be short-tempered and have no sense of humor (which is VERY true) but this one guy got to me. We were really busy and I had gotten into the flow of things so by this point the fake smile and happy voice came naturally. I asked him if he would like to try anything. His response: "Not after what I've seen it's done to your hair!" Now, I get hair responses a lot. Like A LOT! But this one rubbed me the wrong way. I think it was his tone of voice and the look of disgust on his face that did it for me. I dont know what people have against red hair but I get soooo many comments on it! Some good, some bad, some just plain weird. Like the time I had a guy ask me if I dumped salsa on my head to get it to that color-----that would be classified as weird (really weird). Maybe its just old guys trying to be funny. Because the majority of the comments come from old guys. Maybe I just need a sense of humor. Or maybe old guys just need to stop trying to be funny.
Overall it wasnt a bad weekend. I was mostly just tired from getting up early and going to bed late. And it was all worth it I guess because I got paid really well. Highest amount I've ever gotten paid before. Too bad that all has to go to car repairs....
Love and Rockets,
Mags :)
You need to post another blog! Also, I can't wait to see your hair! :D