Monday, October 31, 2011

This is Halloween!

Hello my Spooktacular Ghouls!

First and foremost, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Once again I have been super busy and I am in dire need of a break. Too bad life doesnt want me to have one. I am exhausted. Sleep is definitely on the to-do list. I also need to volunteer some more at my old elementary school for my community psychology class. We need to volunteer for 15 hrs and then give a 5-10 minute presentation over it at the end of the semester. I havent figured out how I am going to talk about grading papers for 5 mins but I am going to have to do so eventually. I havent been to the school in at least 3 weeks, possibly even longer than that. I also need to write a paper over...something...for my British Literature class. And finish my take home test for community psych.

But anyways, so I have had all this to do and what have I been doing the past week?
--Not homework.

Ive spent most of my energy planning a Halloween party, that I had on Saturday, that did not go as planned. Thursday I picked up a few things for the party, food, decor, etc., and I did some cleaning. That night I went to a friends Halloween party (so much fun) and got home at around 4am (mistake #1). Friday I dragged my ass out of bed waaay later than I had originally planned and was still tired but I had to get up to bake cookies, cake pops, and brownie pops for my party Saturday. Then after I was on my feet all day baking, I went to a corn maze (mistake #2) and got home some time between midnight and 1am (mistake #3). So Saturday I woke up with red eyes from the massive allergy attack I gave myself from the damn corn maze, and I was tired as hell from not getting enough sleep for the past two days, and I had a ton of cleaning, cooking, and decorating to do before 6pm. But I was still really excited for that night and I couldnt wait for everyone to get there. My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew came first (mistake #4). Looking back I really shouldnt have invited them (mainly my older sister) because the only way my family knows how to communicate is through yelling. Normally I wouldnt have minded it getting that loud because I have really bad hearing (thank you Flyleaf concert) but I was trying to talk and hang out with my bestie, Betty (I </3 U!), so I was having issues hearing anything but their loud mouths. And then my grandma and dad came over (dad doesnt live with us, grandma lives next door) because they thought my nephew, Logan, was going to come over in costume and they wanted to see him. I didnt mind my grandma being there too much but my idiot father came over from a bar (he wasnt drunk but he was getting there). So he was acting like a moody idiot and he kept freaking out Logan because he doesnt see him that much so Logan didnt recognize him. And whats even more annoying is that Logan wasnt even in costume! So that whole mess could have been avoided. And just as my friends started showing up and the party finally started I was hit with a migraine. Yes, a migraine. A migraine that lasted through the food, the pinata, the movie, and hanging out afterwards (yes, college students can have a pinata at a halloween party! You are never too old for a pinata). All the time and effort and planning I put into this party and it was ruined mainly by a migraine. That and the fact that I can count my friends on one hand so my "party" was more of like a get-together that I put waaay too much effort into. But I still had fun. Betty stayed til like 3am and I always love just hanging out with her.

So after the party I basically died from exhaustion and guess what I woke up to?
--A migraine. FML. That is NOT supposed to happen. The migraine is supposed to go away when you sleep. But oh well, it eventually went away. I didnt do much tonite on the actual day of Halloween (who wants to celebrate that on a Monday???) except I ate a loooot of candy and then drove my family nuts with my sugar high ;)

But anywas I hope you all had an awesome weekend and a spooktacular Halloween filled with ghosts and ghouls and, of course, candy.

Love and Rockets,
Mags :)

P.S.: I was a flapper for Halloween :) I thought it went with the hair ;)

1 comment:

  1. Lookin good ;) as always lol. Halloween was so much fun!! You need to start getting more sleep though lol
